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What are the three elements of hot-pressing process for hot-pressing plate?
Author: ComeFrom: Date:2016/6/15 10:57:28 Hits:1793
The production of hot-pressing plate requires a high degree of hot-pressing technology, and the three elements of hot-pressing process should be taken into account. Kunshan Hongxin Hot Press Plate Co., Ltd., one of the manufacturers of Suzhou Hot Press Plate, will introduce to you what are the three elements of hot pressing process.
The three elements of hot pressing process for hot pressing plate display are hot pressing pressure, hot pressing temperature and hot pressing time. Adjustment of hot-pressing temperature of hot-pressing plate can provide the energy needed for curing of adhesives, increase the plasticity of wood and reduce the hot-pressing pressure. Hot pressing time is controlled by intelligent stage, and time control can effectively control the degree of process. The hot-pressing pressure of the hot-pressing plate is basically maintained in a constant dimension, so that the operation process can be carried out in accordance with the order, and the effect of quality and efficiency can be guaranteed.
The hot-pressing plate perfectly shows the three elements of hot-pressing process. Any product needs its own operation specification and process. It is quite necessary to make reasonable improvement or integration.
What are the three elements of hot-pressing technology mentioned above? Kunshan Hongxin Hot-pressing Plate Co., Ltd., one of the manufacturers of Suzhou Hot-pressing Plate, will provide you with them.